New Website Live
Well the big news is that we finally launched our webstore! And you can now purchase all six of our uniquely delicious and characterful coffee profiles online, along with our wonderfully indulgent, paired chocolate flights. Each Artisan coffee character is available to suit, not only your preferred brew method, but our offering is also tailored for every imaginable mood and whim, so whether you use an espresso machine, a cafetière, a pour over, an AeroPress, a Moka pot or a pod machine, Artisan have got you covered.
Proving very popular, our Ultimate Tasting Collections are the perfect way to sample all of our brews and their accompanying chocolates. It’s a great way to find your favourites before setting up your monthly coffee subscription.
Customer feedback
We have been so humbled by the feedback we’ve received from customers during our opening month. The team at Artisan have worked so hard over the past few years, and comments like these make the blood, sweat and tears feel completely worth it:
“The best coffee I’ve ever tasted. There seems to be less bitterness inside the pods than the branded alternative of Starbucks or Costa. The taste is second to none and I would highly recommend to anyone that hasn’t tried Artisan coffee to give them a go. I’m a particular fan of The Big Shot and The Heroine pods. Also, you should definitely try the chocolate flights. It’s a weekend indulgence that I thoroughly enjoy.” - Philip, UK
“After purchasing the loose coffee and being very impressed I ordered the pods. They are super a smooth and delicate taste. They definitely top other well-known brands.” - Catherine, UK
“Always intrigued by new companies launching in such a competitive market, but Artisan Coffee need not worry. Absolutely stunning product. I purchased the coffee bags for work and for speed at home (saves the hassle of firing up the filter machine) and incredible flavour profile and smoothness. A truly premium product for an excellent price; brilliant value at 35-40p a cup! Don’t start me on the pairing chocolates.... oh my! Thanks Ashley and the team at Artisan.” - CS, UK
Press coverage
And we’ve had some incredible press coverage too, from the likes of Observer Food Monthly, Big Hospitality and The Caterer, no less. Proud is an understatement.
Hot Dinners listed us as one of ‘The best coffees available in the UK by post - subscriptions, single packs, gift boxes & more’.
Fine Dining Lovers ran an interview with Ashley Palmer-Watts, the double Michelin-starred chef who has gone from running Heston Blumenthal’s restaurants in London and Bray to playing a pivotal role at Artisan, crafting and creating caffeinated blends to knock your socks off.
New products

Our Pod Starter Pack has launched! Available whilst stock lasts, you can enjoy 40 Nespresso compatible pods from our best sellers range for just 45p a cup. At just £18, with no hidden delivery charges, this limited offer is not to be missed. All our blends are 100% Arabica coffee, so buy now and discover Artisan Coffee Co.’s specialty grade coffee pods...pure, delicious and a cut above the rest.
Our ground coffee for Moka pots has also landed; absolutely perfect for the weekend when you can afford to spend a little longer lingering by the stove and luxuriating over brewing your coffee.
New packaging
You may have already received our brand-new packaging! After a little delay and thanks to the hard work of our team our single-serve nitro-flushed pouches are now being delivered in a variety of beautiful brand colours and maintaining our promise to you to deliver coffee with maximum freshness and aroma.
Summer is coming!
Finally, what better way to end our monthly round up, than with a little positive thought for the warm summer days ahead, to enjoying gardens with friends and family, to catching up with loved ones over a coffee. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled this month for our step by step instructions on how to shake up the perfect summer coffee-based cocktail, perfect for all that entertaining!
And that just leaves us to say a big thank you to you all, we have been overwhelmed with your support so far, and we are excited to continue on the journey with you.